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Kids Ministry meets at 10:30am on Sunday mornings.

Each weekend, LGC Kids journey chronologically through Scripture, discovering the gospel from Genesis through Revelation.
Through intentional worship, engaging teaching, purposeful activities, and lively discussions kids have opportunities to connect with others, grow in Christ, and serve in a variety of ways.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

We acknowledge that we only interact with your kids for an hour each weekend. Because of that, we want to partner with you and the spiritual leadership you provide at home. Each week, you will have access to helpful tools and resources, explaining what your kids have learned, and also some ideas for some fun and creative activities for you to share together as a family. It is our prayer to support you and your family through every stage of your child’s life.
Continue the journey with Gospel Project at Home.
Whether you have been discipling for years or are just getting started, The Gospel Project @ Home is designed to give you a realistic, yet meaningful, starting point of one night a week family worship that you can build from by using this digital resource.