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Youth Group Wednesdays at 6:30!
Sundays at 10:30!

What to Expect at Youth Group

Students and their families can expect a great experience at Lake Gregory Youth as always!
Passionate student-led worship, relevant teaching with helpful content, and an opportunity to make
new friends in a fun and high energy environment. LGC has some of the best small group leaders on
the mountain.

Join  us this week for a great experience!

LGC Student's Newest Leadership

Ben and his family recently joined Lake Gregory Church's team
as of January 1, 2025. He has 8 years of youth ministry experience
and is in process of receiving his M. Div from Gateway Seminary.  
Ben has enjoyed Crestline for years and is an avid hiker.  He has a
passion for directing young people to the salvation that is found in
Jesus and is excited to participate in God's work here on the mountain.