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Staff and Elders

Meet the Staff

Dan Stipp


Dan came to LGC in 2008 after 25 years of starting Churches, leading turn-around Churches and facilitating growth in University town Churches in the Midwest. He has been passionate about creating a culture in which people can connect with God and others, grow as healthy Christ-followers to become who God wants them to be, and serve in a way that fulfills their part in God's plan with each other. He enjoys weekly dates and special trips with his wife, Cindy, being connected with his family, staying fit, exploring California through seasonal camping trips and outings, and enjoying a variety of experiences with the LGC family.

Brandon Van Dyk

Next Gen Pastor

Brandon grew up in southern California and came to the mountain in 2013 to start working with Lake Gregory Youth. He is passionate about multiplying disciples, multi-generational service opportunities, and enjoys overseeing the ministry to youth, young adults, and young families. He loves new adventures with his wife and two kids, DIY projects, and exploring national parks.

Joelle Stout

Children's Director

Joelle  has been part of our church family for many years, starting when she joined our Mountain Christian Homeschool Co-op, of which she is now a co-director. She also teaches a preschool dance class at Lake Arrowhead School of Dance.  Joelle loves spending time with her three children.  She has a passion to teach and disciple the children of our community. 

Andrew Newberry

Worship & Audio Visual Director

Andrew grew up in the Portland, OR area, eventually graduating from George Fox University with a degree in Business Management and a minor in Music Composition.   He met his wife, Nichole, while working at a Christian camp, and shortly began attending  Lake Gregory Church.  They are blessed with four children.  It is his desire to, along with the wonderful volunteers of the worship and A/V teams, help set the table for people to be in relationship with Jesus Christ through music and songs intentionally written to bring praise and glory to our Heavenly Father. 

Sarah Mainez

Assistant Worship Director

Sarah grew up on the mountain and is grateful to be a part of the family at Lake Gregory Church with her husband, Joshua. She holds a bachelor's degree in Music Education from California State University, San Bernardino and in addition to serving with the Worship Team, she is also an elementary music teacher with San Bernardino City Unified School District. She loves finding opportunities to serve and connect with others. Her passions are found in worship, teaching, songwriting, and art, as well as spending time outdoors in God's creation.

Joshua Mainez

Audio-Visual  Coordinator

Joshua was raised in Lake Arrowhead, attended various churches throughout his youth, and returned to the mountain after the 2020 pandemic to Lake Gregory Church (LGC). Through the help of Young Adults Mountain Ministry (YAMM), and other life groups, he truly began to understand what a relationship with Jesus meant. An avenue that allows him to serve the Church behind the scenes and on stage is a passion for music that is fueled by a principle from Colossians 3:23 - “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”

Renee Bronstrup


Renee has been living in the Crestline area and a part of Lake Gregory Church since 1999 when she was married, here in this church, to a local boy. For the past 22 years, she has been a stay-at-home mother, homeschooling and raising her family. As her kids grew older and she knew homeschooling time would end, she began pursuing a degree in business administration and finance. Renee enjoys numbers, spending time with family, being outside, and traveling.  She is excited to return to work and serve this community.

Nichole Newberry


Nichole grew up in the San Bernardino mountains and has been involved in Lake Gregory Church in a number of different volunteer capacities.  Now on staff, Nichole supports the LGC ministry in an administrative capacity as well as serving in other areas including Hospitality and the Worship Team.  Nichole is a mother to four incredible children and provides a joyful spirit to the church staff.

Dave Tarbox

Graphic Designer 

Dave has lived in Crestline since 1998 and has been a member of LGC for almost as long.  Dave has also been on the LGC  staff since 2000 and has seen many changes with the Church throughout that time, stating "This is my Church Home and will always be…”  Dave is fascinated with computer technology and digital art. He loves cats and was a core member of the Worship Team for many years.

  Casey Pate

    Communications Associate

Casey moved to Crestline in 2008 where she met her husband, Chris. They have been married since September of 2009. Casey works at SkyPark at Santa's Village in many departments. She used to attend YAMM at the church where she heard about the church hiring a new communications associate. She felt the Lord's guidance to apply for the job and has enjoyed working for the church and meeting wonderful people.

Jeff Bradford

Maintenance Facilitator 

After retiring from the U.S. Forest Service, Jeff came to LGC in 2010 - bringing diverse skills in building, plumbing, electrical, construction, IT management, woodworking & more. Jeff also loves hiking, backpacking, & being a husband, dad and grandpa.

Denise Bates


Denise has lived on the mountain with her husband, Chris, for many years.  She has two daughters.  Denise loves gardening, animals, and spending time with her family.  She blesses all of us by her bright countenance, her caring spirit, and her eagerness to help the Church in any way she can.

Meet the Elders

Dan Stipp

Kevin Lathrop

Keith Yoshimura

Brady Rice

Craig Phillips

Bruce Wegner

Paul Lange