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Dan's Den
by Pastor Dan Stipp on March 6th, 2024
Time's Up Dear Church Family and Friends,Do you remember when you were a kid and there was only so much time to play with your friends? Finally, the shout from a parent would come: "Times up... time to go!"  Everything comes to an end in this life.  Jesus' final journey to and into Jerusalem is recorded in Luke 19. In it we see that the time to decide about Jesus was at hand.  In those last critic...  Read More
Dan's Den
by Pastor Dan Stipp on February 28th, 2024
Humble Trust Dear Church Family and Friends,We are "bombarded" through social media, advertising of various kinds, podcasts and other messaging with snippets of information intended to shape the way we think, feel and act. We are being influenced by whatever "influencers" we allow to speak into our moments throughout the day.  Whenever Jesus spoke or allowed his actions to be witnessed, it was not...  Read More
Brandon's Blog
by Pastor Brandon Van Dyk on February 21st, 2024
Two Short Stories Dear Church Family and Friends,Join us this Sunday as we continue our journey through the Gospel of Luke as Jesus gets nearer to the cross. In Luke 16, Jesus uses two stories (parables) that are sure to capture our attention and focus. It's a topic that is important to so many of us. In fact, our subject matter this weekend comprises 25% of Jesus' teaching in the New Testament. C...  Read More
Dan's Den
by Pastor Dan Stipp on February 15th, 2024
Faithfulness No Matter What Dear Church Family and Friends,Human beings are generally creatures of habit. We get into routines without always understanding how we got there. Then, at some point, we become painfully aware that we lost our alertness and commitment to covenant faithfulness to the Lord and end up in a host of dysfunctions.  This section of Jesus' teaching calls us back to an alert and...  Read More
Dan's Den
by Pastor Dan Stipp on February 7th, 2024
Recovering What Was Lost  Dear Church Family and Friends,Our best glimpses of the heart of God and some of Jesus' most meaningful teaching came in the context of some of His greatest criticism from religious leaders. This week's passage in Luke 15 shows tax collectors and sinners gathering around to hear Jesus. This drew criticism of Jesus from the religious.  Jesus' profound response came in the ...  Read More
Bruce's Blessing
by Pastor Bruce Wegner on January 31st, 2024
Do Your Best and Trust God for the Rest Dear Church Family and Friends,As we continue to walk through the Gospel of Luke, we find ourselves at a turning point in Jesus’ ministry where He shifts His focus. He continues teaching to large crowds of people, mentoring His disciples and showing sympathy to the poor, the despised, the hurt and the sinful. He continues to heal the sick and call out the hy...  Read More
Dan's Den
by Pastor Dan Stipp on January 24th, 2024
In Light of Jesus' Departure Dear Church Family and Friends,If you knew that in the next year you would pass from this life and be with the Lord, how would you live your last year here? Hopefully, you would live with purpose, love well, and pass on what those around you most need from you before you are gone. In light of Jesus' coming departure, He very intentionally delivered people, demonstrated...  Read More
Dan's Den
by Pastor Dan Stipp on January 17th, 2024
The Messiah's TeachingDear Church Family and Friends,Jesus' teaching was not information to be stored, affirmed from a distance, and then ignored. He fully expected his disciples to take his message to heart and be transformed by Him. He gave himself to bring about powerful change in people.His new perspective on life and relationships was liberating. It gave hope to the poor, help to the hungry, ...  Read More
Dan's Den
by Pastor Dan Stipp on January 10th, 2024
Gathering Disciples Dear Church Family and Friends,Those who work in search and rescue are very particular about who is a part of their team. In the next situation their lives may literally be in the hands of one of those teammates. Jesus was prayerful and purposeful about who he brought into close connection.  The keys of the kingdom of God would be in their hands once their training was complete...  Read More
Dan's Den
by Pastor Dan Stipp on January 3rd, 2024
Overcoming Evil Dear Church Family and Friends,It would be absurd to rescue people from life threatening situations and not address the root problems and behaviors that got them there. Can you imagine ignoring someone's personal issues that repeatedly crash their lives and relationships? Yet we are living in a culture that ignores personal responsibility for actions and consequences.  The invitati...  Read More
Brady's Bulletin
by Brady Rice on December 27th, 2023
Keep Climbing   Dear Church Family and Friends,Years ago, I heard a sermon that stuck with me called “Climbers, Campers, and Quitters”. After years of climbing, study, and experience, I’ve come to believe that there are no campers; there are only those who like to camp. My experience has taught me that when I stop climbing and try to camp, I slide down. When I stop climbing, I always digress.Jesus...  Read More
Dan's Den
by Pastor Dan Stipp on December 20th, 2023
Birth of the Savior   Dear Church Family and Friends,I recently talked with a godly woman about one of the most threatening circumstances she had ever experienced when she was a young adult. It resulted in an inner decision not to trust that anyone would look out for her and protect her. It led her to attempt to control everything she could in life, and the fallout was not good. Upon further refle...  Read More