Kevin's Corner
by Kevin Lathrop on August 28th, 2024
Leaving a Legacy,  Life Transitions, part 5Dear Church Family and Friends,  Have you ever wondered what your legacy will be when you’re gone? If you’re under fifty, chances are probably not. But why not? You will leave an impression on the lives of the people you leave behind, no matter the reason for your leaving. Concern for legacy shouldn’t be something reserved for the elderly. This Sunday may...  Read More
Dan's Den
by Pastor Dan Stipp on August 21st, 2024
Cross Generational Stretching, Life Transitions Message Series, part 4Dear Church Family and Friends,  In our culture, becoming a senior adult is marketed as the opportunity to do what you've always wanted to do, free from regular adult responsibility. We should travel, drink a lot of wine, golf, buy a boat, start a band, or gamble at the casino. What is held up to those entering the senior years ...  Read More
Brandon's Blog
by Brandon on August 14th, 2024
Launching, Life Transitions Message Series, part 3Dear Church Family and Friends,  There comes a point when we must release our children into their course in life. Just as we had to "adult", they also need to be released to assume life's responsibilities, engage with life's relationships, and resourcefully navigate their own challenges and opportunities. Jesus sends us into the world equipped with...  Read More
Dan's Den
by Pastor Dan Stipp on August 7th, 2024
Parenting, (part 2 of the new series "Life Transitions".)Dear Church Family and Friends,  Every transition in life has its challenges and blessings. A part of how God parents us and grows us up is leading us toward responsibilities that are bigger than we feel capable of and blessings that can only be experienced by taking on the challenge. Parenting is certainly one of life's biggest challenges a...  Read More
Dan's Den
by Pastor Dan Stipp on July 31st, 2024
Adulting, (part 1 of the new message series called, "Life Transitions".) Dear Church Family and Friends,  God wants young adults in Christ to step up courageously to the challenges of adult life. There have been and are many things that can intimidate the next generation of adults. God does not want emerging young adults to be anxious and give in to fear. We all have a role to play in encouraging ...  Read More
Dan's Den
by Pastor Dan Stipp on July 24th, 2024
Keeping God in the Center of Every Circumstance Dear Church Family and Friends,  A generation ago, a well-known Christ follower encouraged those who believe to “practice the presence of God.” By that he meant living with a conscious, ongoing awareness that God is present and with you no matter what. Those who are in Christ will never be separated from God. Christ lives in us and will be with us no...  Read More
Dan's Den
by Pastor Dan Stipp on July 17th, 2024
How to Stay Encouraged.  Part 3 in the series called, "Faith in a Fallen World."Dear Church Family and Friends,  Think about the people who seem to stay encouraged no matter what they go through in and around their lives. How do they stay in such a positive posture even when negative things are going on?  Christ has taught and demonstrated for us how to stay encouraged under pressure. When the cir...  Read More
Dan's Den
by Pastor Dan Stipp on July 10th, 2024
Being in the World but not of it.  Part 2 of the new series, "Faith in a Fallen World." Dear Church Family and Friends,  How do we live in this world and remain true to Christ? From the time we were children there has been an alluring pull of the world on our souls. It constantly indoctrinates, pressures and seeks our conformity. Christ has called us out of the world to belong to Him, and to live ...  Read More
Bruce's Blessing
by Pastor Bruce Wegner on July 3rd, 2024
Hanging on to Faith in a Fallen WorldDear Church Family and Friends,  This week we will start a new four-week series: “Faith in a Fallen World.” This beginning message is Hanging on to Faith in a Fallen World. When my wife Sandy and I were little ones in Southern CA in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s, our neighborhoods were pretty stable and secure. You may not have been a church-going family, bu...  Read More
Dan's Den
by Pastor Dan Stipp on June 26th, 2024
Pursuing UnityDear Church Family and Friends,  How does the world around us pursue unity? Could the conflict in our culture today be a symptom of different worldviews, beliefs and values competing for center stage in peoples' lives? What is the basis of a true unity and peace in the world? Jesus came to bring us back to God and unify us in Himself.  There is really no other way to have a lasting u...  Read More
Dan's Den
by Pastor Dan Stipp on June 19th, 2024
God's Plan For Growing KidsDear Church Family and Friends,  Have you ever wondered what God is trying to do in the life of your kids? Is there a clear "blueprint" to work towards with your children that will help them to grow in a healthy way from God's perspective?"Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and people."  (Luke 2:52)  Jesus' growth as a young person shows us a healthy...  Read More
Dan's Den
by Pastor Dan Stipp on June 12th, 2024
The Best Relationships-SELF-CONTROLDear Church Family and Friends,  Have you known anyone who lacked self-control - who didn't have boundaries or social awareness or discipline in their approach to life? What were their life habits and relationships like? Was the fruit good or not? Describe your experience.  The Spirit of Jesus produces self-control in those who yield to and follow Him. The God-gi...  Read More