Dan's Den

DE-TOX: Pursuing Purity and Peace

Dear Church Family and Friends,

People are searching for satisfaction all around us.  They want a full life that has meaningful relationships and significant experiences.  The problem is that our culture has pointed people in all the wrong directions.  Right living and our experience of peace in relationships go together (Psalm 85).  

When God’s righteousness is received as a gift through faith in Jesus Christ, the hearts of his people can be at peace.  When we align our lives with God’s standards and wisdom, he guides us into paths that are not only life giving to us, but that promotes peace in our relationships. Pursuing purity leads to a pursuit of peace. 

This Sunday, be inspired to look for satisfaction and peace in the right place.  Jesus wants to guide you into peace with God and others by following a path that is right.

Love and prayers,

Pastor Dan

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