Dan's Den

Recovering What Was Lost  

Dear Church Family and Friends,

Our best glimpses of the heart of God and some of Jesus' most meaningful teaching came in the context of some of His greatest criticism from religious leaders. This week's passage in Luke 15 shows tax collectors and sinners gathering around to hear Jesus. This drew criticism of Jesus from the religious.  

Jesus' profound response came in the form of 3 parables that show the heart of God for people. There is rejoicing in the presence of God when one lost person turns to God. Contrary to the bothered disposition of the religious not wanting to be troubled by the messiness and effort necessary to get one sinful person back home to God, Jesus welcomed sinners who were seeking help and hope.  

This week's message will inspire our hearts with God's heart for lost people. May the Lord use this time together to tune our hearts to His.

Love and prayers,

Pastor Dan

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