Dan's Den
Celebrating God with Us
Dear Church Family and Friends,
Can you remember a time when a special person really wanted to be with you? Maybe it was a grandparent or parent, an older sibling or a special friend. When you realized that they WANTED to be with you in a time of need or for some special occasion, how did you feel?
God wants to be with us!! From the beginning of time God's desire was to be our God and for us to be his people, his family. It is why Jesus came!! At critical times God reminds us of his presence and his care for our lives.
This Christmas Sunday we will be celebrating God with us, (Immanuel). The Apostle Paul wrote, "If God is for us, who can be against us." If we can live with a constant awareness of his presence we can get through anything.
Love and prayers,
Pastor Dan
Dear Church Family and Friends,
Can you remember a time when a special person really wanted to be with you? Maybe it was a grandparent or parent, an older sibling or a special friend. When you realized that they WANTED to be with you in a time of need or for some special occasion, how did you feel?
God wants to be with us!! From the beginning of time God's desire was to be our God and for us to be his people, his family. It is why Jesus came!! At critical times God reminds us of his presence and his care for our lives.
This Christmas Sunday we will be celebrating God with us, (Immanuel). The Apostle Paul wrote, "If God is for us, who can be against us." If we can live with a constant awareness of his presence we can get through anything.
Love and prayers,
Pastor Dan
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