Bruce's Blessing

The Best Relationships-LOVE 

Dear Church Family and Friends,  

This week we will begin a new series titled: “The Best Relationships.” It is focused on the “Fruit of the Spirit” as described in Galatians 5:22-23. Throughout the book of Galatians, the author Paul emphasizes what it means to be a follower of Jesus, saved by grace, not works, and what it means to live in freedom.

However, the “Fruit of the Spirit” is not a set of gifts God bestows upon us when we enter
the body of Christ. While gifts, talents and abilities help define what we do as a Christian,
fruit defines who we are. Fruit is a character quality. It ripens within us as we grow into a
solid relationship with God.
Then that same fruit enriches our relationships with family,
friends, neighbors, and co-workers.
How do you view your relationship with God? How about those in relationship with you?
This Sunday, join us as we begin our journey through the “Fruit of the Spirit” starting with LOVE.

Love and prayers,

Pastor Bruce

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