Dan's Den
Cross Generational Stretching, Life Transitions Message Series, part 4
Dear Church Family and Friends,
In our culture, becoming a senior adult is marketed as the opportunity to do what you've always wanted to do, free from regular adult responsibility. We should travel, drink a lot of wine, golf, buy a boat, start a band, or gamble at the casino. What is held up to those entering the senior years is to be selfish for once and treat yourself to whatever you want.
God's message to us never includes a wink to our reverting to adolescence. Those who follow Jesus into their senior years should be models of maturity and have internalized the values of the kingdom of God. Rather than shirk responsibility in this season, for most in the "sandwich generation" it may mean assuming the broadest responsibilities that we have ever had in life.
Be inspired this Sunday to be willing to be stretched in your senior years between generations, your aging parents, your maturing children and sprouting grandchildren. May God continue to give us wisdom and strength that has a positive cross-generational impact.
Love and prayers,
Pastor Dan
Dear Church Family and Friends,
In our culture, becoming a senior adult is marketed as the opportunity to do what you've always wanted to do, free from regular adult responsibility. We should travel, drink a lot of wine, golf, buy a boat, start a band, or gamble at the casino. What is held up to those entering the senior years is to be selfish for once and treat yourself to whatever you want.
God's message to us never includes a wink to our reverting to adolescence. Those who follow Jesus into their senior years should be models of maturity and have internalized the values of the kingdom of God. Rather than shirk responsibility in this season, for most in the "sandwich generation" it may mean assuming the broadest responsibilities that we have ever had in life.
Be inspired this Sunday to be willing to be stretched in your senior years between generations, your aging parents, your maturing children and sprouting grandchildren. May God continue to give us wisdom and strength that has a positive cross-generational impact.
Love and prayers,
Pastor Dan
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