Dan's Den
In Light of Jesus' Departure
Dear Church Family and Friends,
If you knew that in the next year you would pass from this life and be with the Lord, how would you live your last year here? Hopefully, you would live with purpose, love well, and pass on what those around you most need from you before you are gone. In light of Jesus' coming departure, He very intentionally delivered people, demonstrated who He is, and delegated authority to His disciples.
It was essential that people of every background have hope restored so his touch points were representative of those who needed Him. His disciples needed to be convinced of who He is, so he made sure they saw and experienced his glory. And it was time to start working them into the process of what they would continue to do once he left. So he gave them authority to do what He had been doing.
This Sunday be inspired to receive what Jesus intentionally left for us about Himself and His will. And then let's live in light of His promised return and our being joined together with Him.
Love and prayers,
Pastor Dan
Dear Church Family and Friends,
If you knew that in the next year you would pass from this life and be with the Lord, how would you live your last year here? Hopefully, you would live with purpose, love well, and pass on what those around you most need from you before you are gone. In light of Jesus' coming departure, He very intentionally delivered people, demonstrated who He is, and delegated authority to His disciples.
It was essential that people of every background have hope restored so his touch points were representative of those who needed Him. His disciples needed to be convinced of who He is, so he made sure they saw and experienced his glory. And it was time to start working them into the process of what they would continue to do once he left. So he gave them authority to do what He had been doing.
This Sunday be inspired to receive what Jesus intentionally left for us about Himself and His will. And then let's live in light of His promised return and our being joined together with Him.
Love and prayers,
Pastor Dan
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