Dan's Den

Controversy and Critical Questions 

Dear Church Family and Friends,

When you are on a backpacking trip through a remote region, it can be critical that you stay with the plan for your journey. Questioning everything, when you are in the midst of following a plan, can be very disruptive to your ability to see the bigger picture and what is really important. Conflict, controversy and critical questions can lead to missing the purpose of the journey and can lead to poor decisions with dire consequences.  

The most critical question that should be asked in anyone's life journey is: "Who is Jesus?" Often, our own heart issues can lead us to focus on everything but that question. In Luke 20, we see Jesus repeatedly trying to get his critics to consider who the Christ is. They were missing the One right in front of them who could secure their hearts and future by wrestling with side issues.  

This Sunday be inspired to focus on who Jesus is and to avoid side issues that spring up from unbelief.

Love and prayers,

Pastor Dan

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