Dan's Den

Time's Up

Dear Church Family and Friends,

Do you remember when you were a kid and there was only so much time to play with your friends? Finally, the shout from a parent would come: "Times up... time to go!"  Everything comes to an end in this life.  

Jesus' final journey to and into Jerusalem is recorded in Luke 19. In it we see that the time to decide about Jesus was at hand.  In those last critical moments leading toward the cross Jesus was still bringing restoration to lost souls and preparing people for what was about to unfold. There was no more time left to mess around.

Today brings us that one step closer to Christ's return as King
. What will we have done with the moments given us before the shout comes, "Time's up... time to go!"?  Will we be ready for the time of God's coming to us?

Love and prayers,

Pastor Dan

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