Dan's Den

Vision of LGC: Connect

Dear Church Family and Friends,

Life in this world is filled with tension. This is especially true when it comes to our relationships. Something bent inside of us drives us to independence and following our own will. Yet at some point, we realize our need for connection with others and that this requires self sacrifice. The result:  tension.

Jesus calls us to follow his example of self-sacrifice for a greater purpose and a greater unity together in Him.  My greatest moments of meaningful connection with others usually follow the personal surrender of my will to God's will in my life and relationships.  The tension gets resolved and the joy experienced when I yield my personal will to God's perfect will.  

This Sunday, be inspired to value connection like Jesus does.  Be helped to pursue God's greater purpose that can't be experienced apart from meaningful connection with others on the way with Him.

Love and prayers,

Pastor Dan
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