Dan's Den

Promise and Praise! 

Dear Church Family and Friends,  

How does it make you feel when you see a beautiful sunrise on the horizon of a new day? Maybe even taking in a gorgeous sunset at the end of difficult day or week can give you a welcome calm and sense of peace. When we can see clearly and confidently God's good purposes in and through us for a new season of time, it stirs praise! 

God's promised future for His people, not only inspires hope (last Sunday), but it draws something out of us in response. Giving God praise going toward a certain and ultimate future is right and honoring to Him. Even if the immediate path is challenging, taking to heart the glimpse he gives us of a "New Day" when everything will be right, stirs up in us a heart of praise and gratitude!  

May the Lord in this first Sunday of the new year inspire us to speak out praise and gratitude.

Love and prayers,

Pastor Dan

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